Sunday, November 30, 2008
hot turkey sandwiches.
Raise your hand if you love thanksgiving leftovers. Ya, I think it is the mom in me that is just so thrilled to have something all ready to eat in the fridge each time you open it for several days at a time, but I LOVE the leftovers. I just had to share this yummy recipe! It's one of my favorite Thanksgiving memories growing up that my mom would make these hot turkey sandwiches. I'm a simple gal, a good sandwich cheers me . . . WHATEVER. We had these last night and even my pickiest kid loved it.
Colleen's Hot Turkey Sandwiches
Use aproximatley 2-3 cups of turkey brown meat white meat whatever works
1\3 cup mayo
1\3 cup miracle whip
1 c diced celery
2 TBSP diced onion
Sliced Cheddar Cheese
salt and pepper to taste
Hamburger Buns
This is a throw it in kind of recipe. I chop up my turkey and add celery and onions and then slowly add in the mayo/miracle whip blend until I like the consistency. This is your filling. You just take the buns and open the and fill the sandwiches and then place sliced cheese on the filling. You close the buns up and wrap them individually in tin foil and place them in the oven. 350 degrees 15-20 minutes. The filling will be heated through, the cheese melted, and the buns lightly toasted. YUM. Enjoy!
Posted by
Shellee Draper
10:54 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
i miss my mommy.
I hate posting without a photo, but I'm on vacate and that requires NO PHOTOS! Just a quick note . . . I am having a really great time with my in-laws this weekend here in St George, but it has to be said that I ate an olive this afternoon and got a tiny twinge of sadness because it reminded me of home and Thanksgivings past and I just really miss being with my family too. So to you Thomas' where ever you are. I love you and Happy Thanksgiving!!! I have to go to bed because I have to wake up to crazy shop 'till I drop in like 3 hours! Ya gotta love it baby! Hope your Thanksgiving was GRRRREAT!
Posted by
Shellee Draper
10:24 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
where in the world is carmen sandiego . . . ahem shellee?
Posted by
Shellee Draper
12:25 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
baby ethan.
This cute little guy was so fun. His mom is so in love with him it brought back to me how you just want to eat them up at this age. He was just waving those arms around like he was landing a plane! Darling.
Posted by
Shellee Draper
11:49 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
baby your baby.
i have so many fun things to share with my blog readers very soon. For right now, it's all about my clients and my new website. Yes. . . gals and pals, I am STILL working on my website. My inner perfectionist has taken over and I'm hoping that she leaves soon! I've had my hands full with families and weddings and I'll be sharing more in the coming days. I can't wait to show you my new site. It is so awesome. Wait, funny story: My 7 year old is a second grader, and they do a lot of free writing. You parents out there know how hard it is to decode sometimes. You almost have to try not to look directly at the words sometimes! I was trying to decode something with Jas (hubby) the other day and in the end we were like well DUH! The word was osum. It was AWESOME! I love kids. Which brings me to this little darling boy. Ethan.
Posted by
Shellee Draper
9:34 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My boys are getting big and not as into dressing up as they once were. My neighbor stopped by in this outfit. Let's just say she's the mother of three . . . there are no words.
Posted by
Shellee Draper
5:40 PM
one tree hill.
So the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem right? Well, My name is Shellee and I can't stop watching teen dramas by the season. My sister-in-law got me into this and I CANNOT stop! I'm almost caught up. Crazy.
Posted by
Shellee Draper
12:15 AM