I took these pictures of Kaitlyn a couple of weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to getting them onto my blog. She was just a total doll. This is her baptism dress. It was a little mini bridal. Her mom said that the slideshow made her dad cry! They grow up too fast for sure!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Sweet "Eight"
Posted by
Shellee Draper
1:51 PM
Zion Family Sitting
I spent a really enjoyable evening last week with this family. They are from Arizona and were here vacationing in Zion Park. They were the most kind wonderful people. Jason tagged along and shot candids, and we both really enjoyed getting to know them. That is one of my favorite things about my job. I get to meet the best people!
Posted by
Shellee Draper
1:22 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Her name will be in lights!
Sam came to me for some head shots. Sam is a talented singer and actress and she performs all over the place! She is auditioning for various things and needed some updated headshots. She is such a pretty girl. Her personality is so bubbly and I just loved getting to know her better through this process! Thanks Sami! We're going out for an outdoor shoot very soon so there will be more to come!
These were Sam's Favorites. . .
Posted by
Shellee Draper
10:34 PM
I'm sure that many of you who follow my blog also follow other photographer's blogs and you may or maynot have noticed a little blog game of tag going on. I have seen it many many times and have had a lot of fun reading the answers! Well, today I was "Tagged" myself! Apparentley I'm supposed to tell you 8 little known things about myself. I know that my company and my website are all photographybyshellee and everything, and I don't mind putting my photography out there but when it comes to the by shellee part, I guess it's a little bit harder! Soooo (drumroll please) here goes:
1. I rearrange my furniture CONTSTANTLY. Thank goodness for hardwood floors because when I used to have carpet it was a WAY bigger job!
2. I have a terrible memory. I never tell jokes because I can NEVER remember the punch line. I rewatch the same movies every couple of years and it's like I have a whole new batch of new releases. It's kinda sad.
3. I hate dogs. . . which is really hard to admit because EVERYONE (and their dog hee hee) LOVES dogs! My really good friend Melissa's obnoxious little Jack Russel actually bit me about a month ago and I was horrified! I used to only hate big dogs but now, thanks to Niko the yapper, I hate ALL dogs. footnote: My neighbor has a TINY Teeny dog named Rage and I LOVE that dog. There is an exception to Every rule!
4. I'm the mom of two really great boys, both of whom just started school and I
really miss having them home! I love being mom. It's what I always wanted.
5. My favorite thing in the world is to go to the movies with a hoodie sweatshirt. I love reality television and I cannot believe that I'm going to admit this but The Hills is my favorite show. . . hey in my defense, I had to watch SOMETHING to fill the void that Nick and Jessica left in my soul.
6. I'm a REALLY bad driver.
7. My husband really truly is my favorite person in the whole world. A guy that I was really good friends with in my early 20's said to me, "Shellee, the person that you marry is going to calm you down." Kevin, you were right. There are few people as patient and relaxed as Jason is, and it totally rubs off on me!
8. The one thing that I could NEVER EVER EVER do is deep sea dive. To be clear, I'm pretty sure that snorkeling is out of the question too. My fear for all things aquatic is alive and well. Shark week just ended on Discovery Channel and I am still dreaming about it. I got caught in a rip tide off of the California Coast a couple of years ago too which did NOT help but that's a whole different story that I will save for another day!
So there you go! I'm tagging:
Raquel Allen
Laura Kelley
Lindsay Jane
CapturedbyCarrie (I'm sorry Carrie, I don't know your last name!)
These are some photographers that I think are great and fun and inspiring!
Posted by
Shellee Draper
6:02 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Equador Bound!
I shot this adorable missionary the other night. He is on his way to Equador! Coming from St George this summer all I can say is that I hope for his sake it's winter there right now! Stay out of the heat and the best of luck to you Derick.
Posted by
Shellee Draper
12:12 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Under Construction!
Hello to my blog readers! I'm currently under construction on my website so if you happen to log on and it does something weird, please give it a few days and we'll have a lot of great things for you to look at in the coming weeks!!!!!
Shellee :)
Posted by
Shellee Draper
9:59 PM
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The Wells Family
I really enjoyed shooting with the Melissa and Steve and their kids the other night. Their pictures turned out great!
Posted by
Shellee Draper
6:21 PM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The Bairds
I shot this family a few months back but I was printing some pics for them recently and I don't think that this ever made it to the blog! I love these shots so I thought I would post them up. Ya, they are a GORGEOUS family. I really enjoyed working with them.
Posted by
Shellee Draper
1:06 PM
The Lunds
I have been terrible about posting to my blog lately! I shot a really cute little family the other night and I had to post a few of my favorite shots. Nate and Ashley make some ADORABLE kids! There is so much more coming so keep checking back! I'll try to get it all posted. . . wait for it:)
Posted by
Shellee Draper
10:17 AM